Failure Configuring Windows Updates Reverting Changes - Solved Windows

Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes

Few users reported that while updating windows they get this error Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer.To solve this problems our Tech Dragon team listed all the possible solutions below.If you have any technical problems you can tell us by using contact us page.Recently we solved CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED

Failure Configuring Windows Updates Reverting Changes - Solved

To solve this Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer error just follow below steps.
  • Remove devices like USB, Pen drive, CDs etc.Try updating after removing these devices
  • Restart and install update in clean boot state
  • Use Windows Update Troubleshooter.Download Windows Update Troubleshooter from here
  • Use Safe Mode to install the update
  • Perform a System Restore
If any other solutions works for you do comment below.
