nativedropboxagent Meaning - Remove nativedropboxagent app Moto

Hello guys many of you have searching how to remove nativedropboxagent app because it eats battery.So in this post we will see how to remove/disable nativedropboxagent app and what is the meaning or purpose of nativedropboxagent.

nativedropboxagent Meaning

  • nativedropboxagent is pre-installed app in few moto phones.
  • we exactly don't no the purpose of it so we would recommend you not to remove it or post it on moto forum or any other android forum before doing anything

How to remove nativedropboxagent app

  • We didn't figured out the exact way to uninstall the app but we have listed few possible way to overcome from its effect
  • Try booting your phone in safe mode
  • clear data and clear cache of dropbox and nativedropbox app and then disable it.
  • Uninstall the updates of google app and disable the google now launcher instead of that try some other launcher and now disable the nativedropboxagent. After that again started using google now launcher.
