[Solved] CQATest App Moto Mobiles

Hello Guys, Today we are going to see how to solve the CQATest app problem.I checked few queries related to it so lets see how to solve the problem.If you have any technical problem kindly message us through contact us page our team will give you the solution.

CQATest App Uninstall / Remove?

So many of you have a problem with this CQATest app and most of you try to remove it.Now I will tell you what to do with that app.Many Moto mobile users has found this unrelated app in their mobile

If you have a problem with CQATest app just wait for few times it will remove automatically.This is the recommended method.Within few times the app will get removed automatically.So before doing anything just wait for few days.

If you still feel annoyed with that app try disabling it or do a factory reset.But all these things are not recommended because the app will remove automatically.

If you have any problem kindly comment below
