Authentication Error Occurred - Android WiFi Error [Solved]

Authentication error occurred
Sometimes if you connect to WiFi network with your android device you will get error like authentication error occurred on that network.To solve this we have listed few solutions for you.
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Authentication Error Occurred - Solved

There are plenty of reasons for this error. Most common reason is your mobile is not update to it's latest version or your mobile phone is recently updated.In few cases this error is also due to WiFi router.
  • The first thing you need to do is Forget the Network and try reconnecting it.This works in few cases.Enter your password correctly.
  • Restart your device and then try to connect your WiFi.
  • Update your mobile to it's latest version.This is solution for most of the WiFi problems. Most of the WiFi errors are caused due to not updating their android mobile.
  • If you have updated the mobile and still if the problem persists report the problem to manufacturers.
  • Turn On the Airplane Mode.After sometimes Turn it Off and check if it helps.
  • Enter IP Address, Gateway, DNS manually  by choosing Static in network setting of that WiFi.Contact Network Provider for IP Address and other details.
  • Try changing the Security Type of your router

This solution is common for  authentication error occurred wifi galaxy s8, samsung tablet, s7, s6, s9,s8 etc

If any other solutions works for you comment below
